Taxi from Gran Alacant to Alicante Airport – (Alacant)

Chica en el Aeropuerto de Alicante con maletas

Taxi from Gran Alacant to Alicante Airport, our taxi service is the most qualified pick up to the airport from Gran Alacant. We have the safest and fastest means of transport when traveling from Gran Alacant to Alicante Airport.

How much is taxi from Gran Alacant to Alicante airport?

Prices between €25 to €28, this will depend on the number of passengers or the time you want to travel. You can check with the taxi.

How far is Gran Alacant from airport?

11 Km.

Es la distancia entre Gran Alacant y el Aeropuerto de Alicante, el recorrido por carretera serían 10,8 km.

How far is Gran Alacant from the beach?

The closest beach to Gran Alacant is El Carabassí beach, which is located a short distance from Gran Alacant and only about 5 km from the center of Gran Alacant and connects directly to Saladar beach. Residents, guests and visitors can reach Gran Alacant on foot to Carabassi beach.


Our taxis are trained to transport up to 7 people to the Airport.

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